"Joy" combined powerful elegance, dynamism. She was a totally in balance and 100% in correct format (10:9) standing, very harmoniously constructed, very strong bones, strong, muscled and expressive, athletic dog of excellent substance with excellent juicy pigment and excellent standard size. She impressed with her outstanding building harmonious lines, which combine in the stand as well as in movement smoothness, elegance and a very strong athletic muscled body together. Very dark brown eyes, dry, fine attached, long neck, very well defined withers, correctly set ears, strong not complete scissor bite, it lacks one P2. She had an excellent depth of chest and an excellent, very strong, muscular chest. Shoulder and upper arm are in an excellent angle. Her back was straight and firm with an good location croup, very smooth and flawless surface ribbed and top and underline, correct tail carriage, excellent and very strong building, excellent spotting in very good distance, standing, in part, into each other running, spotting of very good size, excellent angulation the front and very good rear, correct cat feet, very powerful, room-filling movement, in the correct sequence, it started with lots of temperament and controlled drive. "Joy" died on 28.05.2024.