"Dalina" has been brood bitch from 03.05.2003 until 21.10.2007 in our kennel. She was a very sure instinct breeding female. Even at matings, the birth process as well as the rearing of their puppies without any problems mastering them, very safe and with great composure, so that at no time was our help is needed. This instinct of safety and strength is being appreciated by us as a breeder very high and is of great importance of breeding, as these properties are likely passed on to their puppies.
"Dalina" has born three litters in our kennel:
06. June 2004 her "Christ ORMOND A - litter" with 12 puppies
02. October 2005 her "Christ ORMOND B - litter" with 10 puppies
20. August 2007 her "Christ ORMOND D - litter" with 5 puppies
She could give following excellent properties to their puppies: extremely harmonious overall appearance, excellent size and very strong bones, excellent typey head model with a lot of charisma, dark eyes, long and noble neck, strongly pronounced withers, very good depth of chest, shoulder in a very good location, very good angulation front and rear, excellent and strongly ribbed building, solid and straight back with a very good location croup, strong, round, compact with well arched toes cats feet. Extremely powerful, room-filling movement, in the correct sequence, it starts with lots of temperament and controlled drive, sovereign and secure.