Welcome on our Website

The focus of my Dalmatian breeding is from the Dalmatian region of Croatia - Dalmatia (former Yugoslavia breeds) to get this line as much as possible or to improve it. As a great lover of white - liver dalmatian I put into my breeding the focus of this colour.

In particular, we attach great importance in our Dalmatian breeding on the following:
Family dogs which are powerful and easy in the leadership, free of fear and aggression, genetic health, intelligence, instinct security, vigorous and strong bones, rich and excellent pigment, clean and abundant spots, expressiveness and harmonious overall appearance, with balanced proportions, powerful movement in the right sequence.

To reach the breeding successful, We try always a deliberate and thorough selection of parent animals.

We breed according to the breeding regulations and guidelines of the Association for the German Kennel Club (VDH) and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

VDH - Honor "Baron von Gingins Memorial Medal"

Award Baron von Gingins Memorial MedalIn the year 2024, the breeder Michael Lehmann (Christi ORMOND Dalmatians) was awarded the Baron von Gingins Memorial Medal.

With the Baron von Gingins Memorial Medal, the VDH commemorates one of the founders of the German dog breed and honors personalities who have had a significant influence on pedigree dog breeding with outstanding achievements.

The Baron von Gingins Medal is not awarded - like the VDH's gold badge of honor, for example - for commitment to club offices, but rather it is the highest cynological award of the association (VDH e.V.).

Furthermore, we have undergone further examination:
At our request was our kennel "Christ ORMOND Dalmatians" from Veterinary Celle assessed official veterinarian, checked our reliability (detection by providing a police clearance certificate) and expertise, with the result that we meet all the requirements for the state-approved authorization of permission for breeding of dogs in accordance with § 11 of the animal Welfare Act -Germany- are required and give us the permission was granted.

We thank you for visting our homepage "Christi ORMOND Dalmatians" we hope that we could convey some information about the breed of dog and our attitude to you for the Dalmatian breeding. If you still have questions to Dalmatian / Breeding, stud dogs, dog training, dog handling, fresh feeding for Dalmatians or other, do not hesitate to avail ourselves.

F.C.I. Kennel registration number 178 / 03