Left Christi ORMOND Uptown Girl and right Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald Left Christi ORMOND Under my Skin and right Christi ORMOND Uptown Girl Christi ORMOND Upside Down Christi ORMOND Unlawful Beauty Christi ORMOND Ultimate Champ Christi ORMOND Unforgettable Heart Christi ORMOND Under the Rainbow Christi ORMOND Unleashed Desire Christi ORMOND Unholy Desire Christi ORMOND Unconditional Love for McGlade Dalmatians Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Obonya's Pride Anna-Ariella with Christi ORMOND Under the Rainbow and Christi ORMOND Unforgettable Heart Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Christi ORMOND Uptown Girl, Christi ORMOND Unconditional Love for McGlade Dalmatians and Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Left Christi ORMOND Under the Rainbow and right Christi ORMOND Unforgettable Heart Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald and Christi ORMOND Ultimate Champ Christi ORMOND Unlawful Beauty Obonya's Pride Anna-Ariella with Christi ORMOND Under the Rainbow and Christi ORMOND Under my Skin Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Left Christi ORMOND Unconditional Love for McGlade Dalmatians and right Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald and Christi ORMOND Upside Down Left Christi ORMOND Under my Skin and right Christi ORMOND Uptown Girl Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Friend Paul and Christi ORMOND Upside Down Left Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald and right Christi ORMOND Ultimate Champ Christi ORMOND Ultimate Champ Impression Christi ORMOND U - Litter 8th week of life Christi ORMOND Unconditional Love for McGlade Dalmatians and Christi ORMOND Under my Skin