On 11. January 2019, the 62nd day of pregnancy, our "Christi ORMOND V - Litter" with 14 puppies was born. Completely complication free and instinct safe, our sweet "Christi ORMOND Now and Forever" (called Rose) gave birth to 3 males and 11 females in about 10.5 hours. Mother "Rose" is doing well and the puppy as well. Of course some puppies need our support as it is a big litter. We hope that we get this. Mama “Christi ORMOND Now and Forever" (called Rose) masters her job excellently and enjoys her mother role very much. Dear Mom “Rose” we thank you!
We thank you for the many congratulations for the birth, which have come to us!
General overview:
Birth time 08.30 am, gender female, birth weight 264g, colour white-black
Birth time 09.30 am, gender female, birth weight 328g, colour white-liver
Birth time 10.00 am, gender male, birth weight 316g, colour white-black
Birth time 11.00 am, gender female, birth weight 306g, colour white-black
Birth time 11.40 am, gender female, birth weight 266g, colour white-liver
Birth time 11.43 am, gender female, birth weight 356g, colour white-black
Birth time 12.25 pm, gender female, birth weight 270g, colour white-black
Birth time 12.43 pm, gender female, birth weight 298g, colour white-black
Birth time 13.05 pm, gender female, birth weight 230g, colour white-liver
Birth time 03.40 pm, gender female, birth weight 284g, colour white-liver
Birth time 03.50 pm, gender female, birth weight 198g, colour white-liver
Birth time 04.30 pm, gender male, birth weight 348g, colour white-black
Birth time 04.40 pm, gender male, birth weight 300g, colour white-black
Birth time 19.00 pm, gender female, birth weight 340g, colour white-liver
For more information about our "Christi ORMOND V - Litter" [click here]