Mr. C. Habig (D)
68 Dalmatian
Veteran Class Males
Christi ORMOND Coppola
2. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann
Father: Lacrima Christi Cro A Porter
Mother: Mochaccino Dalmatian Dream
Puppy Class Males
Christi ORMOND Quo Vadis
Very promising 1. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann
Father: Christi ORMOND Magic Moon
Mother: Christi ORMOND Journey To Adventure
Champion Class Males
Christi ORMOND Intelligent Solution
Excellent 2. Place
Doghandler Angelique Kronefeld
Father: Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale
Champion Class Males
Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond
Excellent 4. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann
Father: Knock On Heavens Door Raul
Mother: Solbo’s Holly
Open Class Males
Christi ORMOND New Age
Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Angelique Kronefeld
Father: Rim Rock Stocklore Mystic Maks
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale
Best of Breed & Best of Opposite Sex
Our female Obonya's Pride Anna - Ariella and offspring male Canadian Club vom Teutoburger Wald
Best of Breed & Best of Opposite Sex
Doghandler Karola Lehmann and Michael Lehmann