Festival Dog Show in Castrop-Rauxel - Germany




Mr. W. Peper (D)


About 50 Dalmatian
Open Class Males
Christi ORMOND Highly Diamond Fuji

Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Father: Jiron von Schloss Thiergarten
Mother: Christi ORMOND Everest Maxima

Puppy Class Males
Christi ORMOND Knjaz Simeon Pervom

Very promising 3. Place
Doghandler Nancy Brackmann

Father: Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Puppy Class Males
Christi ORMOND Knjaz Kolja

Very promising 2. Place
Doghandler Marina Otto

Father: Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Intermediate Class Males
Christi ORMOND Intelligent Solution

Excellent 2. Place
Doghandler Angelique Kronefeld

Father: Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Champion Class Females
Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Excellent 2. Place
Doghandler Karola Lehmann

Father: Spotnik`s Viking Victory
Mother: Mochaccino Dalmatian Dream

Junior Class Females

Excellent 2. Place
Doghandler Marina Rummel

Father: Hakiba`s Faiz
Mother: Christi ORMOND Everest Maxima

Junior Class Males
Christi ORMOND Jar of Joy

Very good 4. Place
Doghandler Doreen Bertram

Father: Hakiba`s Faiz
Mother: Christi ORMOND Everest Maxima

Puppy Class Females
Christi ORMOND Knjazjouna Kyra

Very promising 2. Place
Doghandler Karola Lehmann

Father: Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Puppy Class Females
Christi ORMOND Knjazjouna Kyra

Very promising 2. Place
Doghandler Karola Lehmann

Father: Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Puppy Class Females
Christi ORMOND Knjazjouna Kyra

Very promising 2. Place
Doghandler Karola Lehmann

Father: Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Champion Class Males
Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond

Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Father: Knock On Heavens Door Raul
Mother: Solbo`s Holly

Junior Class Females
Christi ORMOND Just A Miracle

Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Marinta Otto

Father: Hakiba`s Faiz
Mother: Christi ORMOND Everest Maxima

Puppy Class Males
Christi ORMOND Knjaz Kyrill

Very promising 1. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Father: Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Intermediate Class Females
Christi ORMOND Immortal Soul

Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Father: Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Intermediate Class Females
Christi ORMOND Immortal Soul

Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Father: Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Intermediate Class Females
Christi ORMOND Immortal Soul

Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Father: Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond
Mother: Christi ORMOND First Fairytale

Open Class Males
Quiet Quarter vom Teutoburger Wald

Very good 3. Place
Doghandler Birgit Heise

Successful offspring of our stud dog Christi ORMOND Coppola

Champion Class Females
Obonya vom Teutoburger Wald

Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Successful offspring of our stud dog Lacrima Christi Cro A Porter

Open Class Females
Obonya`s Pride Anna-Aida

Excellent 1. Place
Doghandler Maria Becht

Successful offspring of our stud dog Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond

Open Class Females
Obonya's Pride Anna-Ariella

Excellent 2. Place
Doghandler Michael Lehmann

Successful offspring of our stud dog Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond

Champion Class Females
Obonya's Pride Anna - Tevka

Excellent 4. Place
Doghandler Maria Becht

Successful offspring of our stud dog Spotnik`s First Farao For Ormond

Champion Class Males
Triple X vom Teutoburger Wald

Excellent 3. Place
Doghandler Birgit Heise

Successful offspring of our stud dog Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection

Puppy Class Females
Obonya's Pride Bella Donna Yaela

Very prümising 1. Place
Doghandler Maria Becht

Successful offspring of our stud dog Christi ORMOND Gaint Vogue