Seminar date:
The "ORMOND - Team" led at 05. May 2012, second Dog Handling - Seminar successfully for the year 2012 by at our beautiful training grounds. The numerous participants were highly motivated and completed with full success in excellent weather conditions, the Dog Handling - Seminar. We thank the participants and the "Heidehof in Ahnsbeck" - where we carried out the theoretical share - for the excellent cooperation, because only then the learning goal can be achieved. The following breeds were represented: West Highland White Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Rhodesian Ridgeback & Dalmatian.
1. Principles - Theoretical training
- Requirements for exhibitors and dog
- VDH exhibition Regulations
- VDH Title and championship awards
- Anatomy by practical examples
2. Preparing for the handling of dogs - Theoretical training
- Dog leash leadership
- Basic Obedience
- View of the scissors teeth
- Basic foundation of standing
- Use of treats and dog toys
- Sequences in the show ring
- Explanation of different judges reports
- Team work with the dog
3. Dog Handling - Practical training
- Various processes in the show ring and learn to use
- Automation of exhibiting
- Anatomy
- Basic concepts and rules into account
- Rules of fairness
4. Dog Handling / simulation of an exhibition - Practical training
- Arrival at the exhibition
- Present at the dog shows
- Correct entry of the dog in the show ring & Doghandlers
- Correct presentation of the dog & Doghandlers in the movement, and when you show him
- Correct presentation of the dog & Doghandlers for the semi-finals (Best male/best female)
- Correct presentation of the dog & Doghandlers for the final (BOB)
5. Parallel Exhibition Station
- Exercise for the presentation of a pair of scissors dentition
- Exercise for measuring
Photo Impressions:
Here are some photo impressions of the 7. Dog Handling Seminar. The Dog Handling Seminars once or twice a year performed in the period from 09.30 - 17.00 clock. Consisting of theoretical & practical training. The seminar is limited to 20 participants, based on the grounds that a successful participation can be guaranteed. During the training, individual training is possible for certain processes. Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance. Every dog should have a dog liability insurance. We welcome dogs of all breeds.
Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.