Dog Handling 20. Seminar

Seminar date: 

Saturday, 20. April 2024 - 10:30 to 16:30





On April 20, 2024, many people interested in exhibitions met in Riede to get further training in ring training. Michael Lehmann - who is not only a judge, but also a dog trainer and dog handler coach - called for roll call on the great grounds in Riede.

It started in the Schützenhaus with a screen and projector with a detailed theoretical part. In addition to the basics of exhibitions, the anatomy of a dog was also explained in more detail.

After a little refreshment in the form of sandwiches, sweets and drinks, it was time to get down to business - now the theory was to be put into practice in the marked-out ring. Even though we were very lucky with the weather and it hadn't rained, it was still quite cold and the onlookers had problems keeping warm at first - in contrast to those involved in the ring, who were allowed to warm up.

After a few little tips, the participants and especially their dogs were allowed to present themselves in the ring. A few of them had already had a little taste of exhibition life and did very well, but they were still grateful for further advice. Other participants were absolute newbies in the field of exhibitions and still need a little more practice and routine. So we continue with lots of exercises at home, but of course there is also the possibility of taking part in further ring training. Next year there will also be ring training with Michael Lehmann in the regional group North and we are looking forward to a lot of participation.

Many thanks to Michael Lehmann for his patience and his great training! Thank you also goes to the lovely cake donors and helpers. And last but not least, we would like to thank all participants for coming in large numbers, we hope you were able to take a lot with you and implement it in the future.

See you next year for ring training in Riede!

Joanna Schulz
Regional group leader North of the Dalmatian Breeding Association Germany e.V.


1. Principles - Theoretical training

- Requirements for exhibitors and dog
- VDH exhibition Regulations
- VDH Title and championship awards
- Anatomy by practical examples

2. Preparing for the handling of dogs - Theoretical training

- Dog leash leadership
- Basic Obedience
- View of the scissors teeth
- Basic foundation of standing
- Use of treats and dog toys
- Sequences in the show ring
- Explanation of different judges reports
- Team work with the dog

3. Dog Handling - Practical training

- Various processes in the show ring and learn to use
- Automation of exhibiting
- Anatomy
- Basic concepts and rules into account
- Rules of fairness

4. Dog Handling / simulation of an exhibition - Practical training

- Arrival at the exhibition
- Present at the dog shows
- Correct entry of the dog in the show ring & Doghandlers
- Correct presentation of the dog & Doghandlers in the movement, and when you show him
- Correct presentation of the dog & Doghandlers for the semi-finals (Best male/best female)
- Correct presentation of the dog & Doghandlers for the final (BOB)

5. Parallel Exhibition Station

- Exercise for the presentation of a pair of scissors dentition
- Exercise for measuring

Photo Impressions: 

Participants at the Dog Handling Seminar in Riede 2024

Here you can find some photo impressions of the Dog Handling Seminar in Riede. Held between 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. under the direction of the Northern Regional Group Leader of the Dalmatian Breeding Association Germany e.V., Ms. Joanna Schluz. Consisting of theoretical & practical training. The seminar is limited to 15 till 20 participants, based on the grounds that a successful participation can be guaranteed. During the training, individual training is possible for certain processes. Each participant can receive a certificate of attendance. Every dog ​​should have a dog liability insurance.

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.