The mother of our "Christi ORMOND Z - Litter" comes from the kennel of my wife Karola Lehmann "vom Teutoburger Wald". Our breeding bitch "Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald" (called Mocha Junior) comes from a litter with 10 puppies that is up to one patch completely fault free. She is white-liver, lemon-free, HD-B (hip dysplasia), according to a prophylactic examination from 2020 (dilated cardiomyopathy, HUS (heart ultrasound) without findings), full dentition, bilateral hearing and measures shoulder height of 56 cm.
Mocha Junior's father "Christi ORMOND Magic Moon" (called Moony) comes from our opinion very successful, qualitatively very high quality and fault free "Christi ORMOND M - Litter" from our kennel, which consists of 10 puppies. All 10 puppies are bilateral hearing, have a complete scissor bite and have all developed anatomically, as well as character outstanding beyond our expectations.
"Moony" has a very robust health and has never been ill before. All siblings of "Moony" are very healthy and have a wonderful, uncomplicated character.
"Moony" showed at no time food intolerances, allergies or skin irritations, which he proves by his from adolescence till adult, extremely successful presence with always excellent coat on dog shows for everyone evident. At his young age of 6 years, he has already won the proud title German Junior Champion VDH & Club, VDH Europe Winner 2016, VDH Bundessieger 2018 and German Champion VDH & Club.
"Moony" captivates by his very pleasant friendly character. He is free of nervousness and aggressiveness. "Moony" is very affectionate and cuddly. He is a very proud, docile and balanced male who presents himself in a very open and approachable way when dealing with people and conspecifics. His well-balanced, loving and friendly character is also particularly expressed in dealing with children. "Moony" is an absolute family dog with a distinctive and excellent social behavior.
"Mocha Junior's" mother German Champion VDH & Club "Treasure Toulouse vom Teutoburger Wald", nickname "Amena", has a very robust health and has never been ill. All siblings of "Amena" are very healthy and have a wonderful, uncomplicated character. "Amena" showed at no time food intolerances, allergies or skin irritations, which proves by their from adolescence till adult, very successful presence with always excellent coat on shows for everyone evident.
She is a characterful, attentive and industrious bitch, which makes her a real "nerd" on the dog place. "Amena's" ancestors are up in the III. Generation all have a complete scissor bite (with one exception), bilateral hearing, and have first-rate HD (hip dysplasia) scores. "Amena" comes from an extremely long-lived bloodline, which consists of very well-known German, English, Croatian, Italian and Norwegian lines. Many of her ancestors have reached an extremely proud age, which speaks for the robust health of "Amena's" ancestors.
"Amena" brought on 11. October 2013, the completely fault free "W - Litter vom Teutoberger Wald" with 9 puppies, on 12. November 2016 the also fault free "DD - Litter vom Teutoburger Wald" with 10 puppies and on 13. March 2018 the again fault free "FF - Litter vom Teutoburger Wald". All 28 puppies have developed excellently, are all bilateral hearing and have an incomparably loving character.
"Mocha Junior‘s" grandmother is the legendary and already deceased at the age of 13.5 years old breeding female International Champion "Mochacciono Dalmatian Dream" (called Mocha) that laid the foundation stone for our breed and we owe her a great deal.
All 39 of her puppies are bilateral hearing, all complete dentition, with one exception, are distinguished by their health, loyalty, joy of learning, strength of character with excellent human and social behavior, now have won numerous championship and become extremely typey, standard Dalmatians who are preparing their families an incredible amount of joy. At present are 16 of children already been successfully used in breeding with and a great fault rate.
"Mochacciono Dalmatian Dream" is currently present about 855 (from the 1st till 3rd generation) times in the European Dalmatian bloodlines.