The mother of our "Christi ORMOND FF - Litter" comes from our kennel "Christi ORMOND Dalmatian". Our breeding bitch "Christi ORMOND Vision of Romance" (called Lillet) is now entering for the first time the legacy of her outstanding, extremely instinctive mother "Christi ORMOND Now and Forever" (called Rose).
"Christi ORMOND Vision of Romance" (called Lillet) is very healthy, has never been seriously ill, correct complete strong scissors bite, bilateral hearing and measures a shoulder height of about 52 cm. "Lillet" impresses with her great serenity and calm, very self-assured character. She is an extremely docile, well-balanced, affectionate, incredibly cuddly, friendly, very funny, always cheerful, with a lot of charm and charisma, the "smiling" goes through life, ... a real little clown, irresistible and charming. She has a very strong personality, does not let anything disturb her, and shows great loyalty and loyalty to her people. She shows an excellent, safe social behavior towards people and peers, is always friendly, interested and open-minded.
Our breeding bitch and mother of our Christi ORMOND FF - Litter "Lillet" comes from our very successful "Christi ORMOND V - Litter". Three of her siblings, as well as "Lillet" herself, have already recorded very good show results and are planned for breeding in the future.
"Lillet’s" grandma meanwhile died at the age of 13 years is the German Champion VDH and Club "Christi ORMOND First Fairytale" (called Hope), comes from a litter of 8 puppies, which is completely fault free except for one patch. All 8 puppies are bilateral hearing. She has already given birth to 4 litters with 47 puppies with an excellent fault rate in our kennel, of which 43 puppies are bilateral hearing and only 4 puppies are unilateral hearing. All 47 puppies have full dentition. She was the pack leader of our pack. So far 11 of her offspring have already been successfully used in breeding with a first-class fault rate. Many of her offspring have already won glamorous exhibition successes and titles.
"Lillet’s" great-grandmother, the legendary International Champion "Mochaccino Dalmatian Dream" (called Mocha) died at the age of 13 1/2 years, who laid the foundation for our breeding and to whom we owe a great deal. "Mochacciono Dalmatian Dream" (daughter of the beautiful World Winner and Multichampion "Lacrima Christi Coppola") has not inherited deafness in her four litters.
All 39 of her puppies are bilateral hearing, all complete dentition, with one exception, are distinguished by their health, loyalty, joy of learning, strength of character with excellent human and social behavior, now have won numerous championship and become extremely typey, standard Dalmatians who are preparing their families an incredible amount of joy. At present are 16 of children already been successfully used in breeding with and a great fault rate. "Mochacciono Dalmatian Dream" is currently present about 967 (from the 1st till 4th generation) times in the European Dalmatian bloodlines.
"Lillet’s" father "D-Day vom Teutoburger Wald" (called Hermann) has a very robust health, has never been ill, showed at no time food intolerances or allergies. "Hermann" as well as all his siblings are very healthy and have a wonderful, uncomplicated nature, a first-class anatomy and are extremely successful at dog shows. At his young age of 2,5, "Hermann" has already won the proud titles German Champion VDH & Club, Dutch Champion, German Junior Champion VDH & Club, Dutch Junior Champion, VDH Herbst-Jugendsieger 2017, VDH Europa-Jugendsieger 2018 and in the year 2019 the title VDH Europasieger 2019.
"Hermann's" ancestors date back to the renowned Croatian/Scandinavian bloodline in conjunction with the exceptionally long-lived German bloodline of very robust health, with impeccable character and conformation, on which the breeding of my wife "vom Teutoburger Wald" is based. The mother "Treasure Toulouse vom Teutoburger Wald“ (called Amena) was line-bred via the same Croatian/Scandinavian bloodline of the father "Christi ORMOND Magic Moon“ (called Moony). Many of "Hermann's" ancestors have reached an extraordinarily proud age, which means the robust Health of his bloodline speaks.
"Lillet’s" grandpa" Rim Rock Stocklore Mystic Maks" (called Maks) is homozygous white-black, lemon free, full dentition, bilateral hearing and free HD (hip dysplasia). He is a LUA Dalmatian and is carrying this gene homozygous. He was born on 02.06.2010 and lives in America in the kennel "Rim Rock". "Maks" is a very typey, expressive, totally in balance and 100% in the right format (10:9), of noble and athletic appearance, with very nice building harmonious lines, proportions and average substance. "Maks" is a very lovable, playful, attentive and cheerful dog. He is very cuddly, affectionate, lively. His behavior very open, friendly and approachable people, as well as his fellows against, with a strong, excellent social behavior.
In addition, "Marks" has already been used a lot of times with success in breeding, many puppies have fallen and it was an excellent result achieved in terms of deafness.