The Twins, left Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius and right Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Our male Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond and Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime, middle our female and grandma of the puppies Mochaccino Dalmatian Dream (13 years old) and right Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Our male Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond and Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left our male and granduncle of the puppies Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection and right Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime and right Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Left our male Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond, middle Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius and Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime, right mother Christi ORMOND Knjazjouna Kyra
Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left our female and grandma of the puppies Mochaccino Dalmatian Dream (13 years old) and Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius
Left our male and granduncle of the puppies Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection and right Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left our male Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond and right Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius and right our male and granduncle of the puppies Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection
Left Christi ORMOND Octavius Gaius and right our male and granduncle of the puppies Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection
Left our male and granduncle of the puppies Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection and right Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime
Left our female and grandma of puppies Mochaccino Dalmatian Dream (13 years old) and right Christi ORMOND Optimus Prime