

Mating Christi ORMOND Raise me Up

Mating Christi ORMOND Raise me Up

On 21st June 2024 mating between our stud dog "Christi ORMOND Raise me Up" and breeding female "Bella Stracciatella's Choco Chanel". For more information about our stud dog "Christi ORMOND Raise me Up" (called Cooper) [click here]


Photo Impressions of 8th week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 8th week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

The eventful eighth week of our "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter is now complete. The litter control was carried out to their fullest satisfaction through a recognized, trained breed warden of Dalmatians Community Germany, both puppies have been certified the best care condition. The whole "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter" is fault free.


Christi ORMOND GG - Litter - Stand Photos

Christi ORMOND GG - Litter - Stand Photos

This week we have taken "stand photos" so that our beauties can be admired in "full broadside", which are intended to illustrate the anatomy of the puppies.
For more information about our "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter" [click here]


Photo Impressions of 7th week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 7th week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

The seventh week of our "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter" is now over, and our sweethearts have now been named. At this point I would like to thank Ms. Sandra Stolte for the extremely successful name suggestions!!


Photo Impressions of 6th week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 6th week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Now already the sixth week of life, from our "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter" is finished.


Photo Impressions of 5th week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 5th week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Now the 5th week of our 5 puppies is already passed and the kids have really been thriving. The game phases are longer and it is a joy to watch the little puppies, such as slowly emerge the little personalities. Of course there were a lot visits what the little ones enjoyed. We hope you will enjoy watching the photos.


Photo Impressions of 4th week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 4th week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

The very exciting for our puppies fourth week of life is now over. Agil explore the puppies her large puppy house and have been playing beautifully together. Visit the little ones have already received plenty and now the litter box is no longer used as a toilet, but the little business are beautifully done good in the straw.


Photo Impressions of 3rd week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 3rd week of life Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

In the third week of our "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter" a lot has happened, now it is so slow really interesting and it is a joy to watch the puppies play and explore. The eyes have now fully open, the spotting already seems clear by. The first visitors have enjoyed with great curiosity.


Photo Impressions of 2nd week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 2nd week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Two weeks that have passed by very quickly and in our small five puppies, a lot has happened. The eyes open slowly, first ear reactions are also recorded already and the spotting seems quite clearly through. The little ones weigh about average now three times their birth weight and are already well on their feet.


Photo Impressions of 1st week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

Photo Impressions of 1st week Christi ORMOND GG - Litter

on 16. April 2024, the 65th day of pregnancy, our "Christi ORMOND GG - Litter" with 6 puppies was born. Completely complication free and instinct safe, our sweet "Dalmatian Dream for ORMOND vom Teutoburger Wald" (called Mocha Junior) gave birth to 5 males and 3 females in about 8,5 hours.

